📢 Teardrops of Mylen welcomes a community of caring, fairplay role players. Do you like board games 🎲, cooperative survival 🤝, and role play storytelling - ➡️ join the ongoing game!

Teardrops of Mylen's news

Friday, June 7, 2024 - #1

And here we go!! It's the time!! The alpha tests period is open

Building a project like this one is not a simple task, but the whole team, @Boch, @veekiddo and I worked hard to avoid delaying the announced date.
You can now create your character using the character creation page.

What you should and shouldn't expect during this period?

Everyone here should keep in mind that as of today, the project is amateurish and took more than three years to be up and running.
You should expect to encounter bugs or not polished feature.
Our ears are wide open for your improvements suggestions and features-demand. Despite all of our efforts to provide a good roleplaying and gaming experience, you shouldn't expect, not today nor ever to play an AAA game, this is not our goal.
What we are trying to accomplish is a platform powered by the community.

I did my best to highlight it but you really understand it once you've experienced it: this platform is like nothing you've ever seen before.
You shouldn't expect to play all day long, the game is not built to be a farm-to-win game, neither a pay-to-win game. 

What we expect from you during this period?

For the same amateurish reason mentioned above, we expect you to show understanding.
Boch & I spend all of our working time fixing bugs or improving and creating more gameplay.
We expect you to be patient, the bug you meet may take hours or days before being fixed.
Depending on the gravity and how much players are affected by it, we'll concentrate our efforts on the most urgent ones.
For all situations, we expect you to be nice with both the staff team and all of the community members.

If you meet a bug: 
  • Verify that it's not already reported using the search tool of our bugs tracker here: https://gitlab.mazlab.dev/groups/mylen/-/issues
  • If it's already reported but you think that you can add more information, just do it as a comment of the issue ticket.
  • If it isn't reported yet, create a ticket inside the triage project.
If you don't want to create an account on our bug tracker, you can also directly reach me on Discord, but you won't be notified of its progress.

help is appreciated in the bug communication, if you see a community member asking for a bug which is already reported, be nice and tell him/her 

Our week efforts!

The game has a lot to offer, I promise, the already included features list is long.
We won't be able to resolve all of the bugs in a day, a week or even a month!
This is why most of these features will remain hidden at the beginning.

The alpha and then beta-tests periods will live for 3 months during which we will release features one by one and introduce more and more content.
To stay on track, we need to concentrate our efforts on some parts of the platform each week.

This week, we should concentrate our efforts in: 
  • The beginner tutorial.
    We want it to be fluid and descriptive, report any weird feeling.
    It's made in such a way you discover the most important feature and how the user interface is organized.
    Don't be shy and ask me to reset the tutorial for your character if you think that something can be improved.
  • The combat and looting system.
    We built two maps, each is attached to a dungeon and you will need to accomplish what looks like a quest to access it.
    To succeed into this quest, you'll need to defeat some mobs and loot items from them.
    Report any issue with the combat or looting system.
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