Meet our team
We’re a dynamic group of individuals who are passionate about what we do and dedicated to delivering the most immersive experience for our players.
Romain 'Maz' BILLOIR
Senior Developer
Passionated about IT development, being challenged is what I love. Ask me to build something that sounds impossible.
Bochsler Enzo
Quia illum aut in beatae. Possimus dolores aliquid accusantium aut in ut non assumenda. Enim iusto molestias aut deleniti eos aliquid magnam molestiae. At et non possimus ab. Magni labore molestiae nulla qui.
Joey Sim aka Veekiddo
UX/UI Project Designer
I play resource management/RPG/DOTA2/survival games, tear my hair out over abrupt cut scenes in films, write video game stories, and indulge in strong coffees and good food.