Yu Saki's story
Yu grew up in [Redacted]. She was rather fortunate with the family she was born into, wanting for nothing. Or so she thought. She lived happily for a time. But something had always felt missing. It was only when she read books, tales of lives filled with adversity and sorrow, but also with love and joy. Whilst she was able to access all she wanted from her family, she was living comfortably, she realised that what the tugging feeling in the back of her mind was that she was missing. Adversity, she couldn’t have the fun the people in her stories had, because she’d never really had any problems.
So when she heard of people setting off to colonise Mylen, a new place with little there at the moment, she thought that was exactly the type of adversity that would help turn her life into an interesting story. So she left with some basic supplies, just what she could carry, to try and make her own story.
Perhaps she will come to regret seeking out adversity. Perhaps she will come to cherish the results of the challenges she overcomes. Perhaps she’ll be unable to survive in the new frontier. Who knows where her story will lead? She only hopes that it will be a good one.
In terms of her personality, Yu may be a little childish in some senses. She’s certainly naïve. She was sheltered from the real world for so long that to her, the world of mansions and palaces and banquets and balls and knights is the real world. And the world outside of it, she only knows from fiction. The world outside of that is just a story. And that she thinks the story will work out for her, is certainly naïve. She tries her best to be kind, but this usually means emulating one of her favourite heroines. She is constantly curious, and genuinely excited to see new things, and with how she has grown up, she often sees new things, and it reduces her to a little girl screaming about how adorable an otter is, or staring in wonder at how beautiful a cavern is.