# Team roles

There are 8 different roles in a clan. Some can be granted by many characters and some can only be attributed to only one character. Here is the list of the team roles, how they can be granted and how many players can grant it at the same time.
  • Chieftain: Granted at the clan creation or manually attributed by the chieftain leaving its chieftain role.
    Associated permissions: All
  • Founder: Granted when you participated to the clan clan creation through the remains building pact.
    This role is only decorative and rewards the four characters who founded the clan.
  • Arch mage: Manually attributed to one character by the chieftain.
    Manages the clan public "appearance", he modifies the clan story and coat of arms, and he is the one who execute the divine call action on Temple building to select the clan god.
    Granted permissions:
    • Call a deity
    • Update the clan arms of coat
    • Update the clan history
  • Foreman: Manually attributed to one character by the chieftain.
    Organizes how the territory of the clan will be developed. He can build construction site, finalize and deconstruct buildings and change homeowners.
    Granted permissions:
    • Organizes clan structures
    • Change personal home owner
  • Steward: Manually attributed to one character by the chieftain.
    It handles the welcoming for the new clan members and moderate the forum of the clan. Granted permissions:
    • Modify team panel message
    • Moderate the forum of the clan
    • Modify team panel message
  • Treasurer: Manually attributed to one character by the chieftain.
    In charge of the clan economy.
    Granted permissions:
    • Take items and resources in capital
    • Take items and resources in abandoned houses
  • Member: everyone in the clan is a member.
    He can access the forum of the clan and execute various action limited to the members of the clan.
  • Renegade: this special role exists to stall the departure of clan members.
    This role is attributed for 48 hours when a member is fired or decide to leave.
    During this period, some actions can be denied because you will leave the team in few hours.
    After this delay, the member is removed from the clan members list.