# The remains building

Some remains are scattered on the maps and each of them is associated with a territory.
Remains and its associated territory can be "owned" following this process:
Step 1: find your partners To create a clan, you need partners, at least 3.
Find them using the game chat, the forum or the Discord server and come to an agreement on who will be the chieftain (this can vary during the clan life).
Step 2: The aspiring chieftain create the pact The chieftain go to the building, and he selects his partners.
To create the capital building, you need to provide a huge amount of resources, they can of course be divided into all concerned characters but this is decided when creating the pact.
Step 3: The characters sign the pact To confirm their agreement, the concerned characters needs to go to the building and sign the pact.
The pact is displayed only for the concerned players.
It includes the characters name, the amount of resource each needs to give, who signed and who already given the resources.
This step has to be done in a 24 hours period, to not lock the building indefinitely
Step 4: Give the resources Resources can't be given before everyone signed the pact.
When this requirement is fulfilled, everyone give the resources.
Again this step has to be done in a 24 hours additional period.
When these action are done, the clan is created, the remains and the territory is owned by the clan and your clan can build wall, door, well, tavern and much more on the clan territory.
Once the clan is created, other players can apply to the clan and grant roles.