# Different variants of structures

Many various structures exist, and more will be introduced.
One structure type may have different appearances, name and description, but all share the same actions you can perform on. The name and the cost of the action may also vary for lore purpose.
The portal type may be represented by a door, a hole, a cave entry or even a man on a bark.
But all of them will purpose an action to instantly move your character in another map or at another position on the same map.
The man on the bark requires from you executing the move action that you brought to him some item for his wife.

# Performing actions against a structure

To perform an action, your character needs to be on the same tile of the structure, excepting for the structures that don't allow you to walk on.
For those, you can perform the action when your character is one tile next to the structure.
When this requirement is fulfilled, select the tile where the structure is built and the action will be available.