# Structures

Structures are immobile buildings you can meet when exploring the map.
Various actions can be done on them and some can be built by yourself.
The actions you can execute on a structure is shared by all the structure of the same kind, but each structure can have different appearances and the action can be named differently.
Example: Both a "Hole in the floor" and a "Door in the wall" are structures of "Teleportation portal" kind.
Although they look different, both have an action (respectively named Jump in for the hole and Go through for the door) that teleport your character somewhere else on the map or on a different map.

Structure KindDescription
Construction SiteConstruction site is the starting point to build other structures.
HousePersonal home is a structure which allows its owner to store resources and items.
Having a house is also required to recruit apprentices on the tavern.
CapitalGeneral quarter of the clan, the capital can store resources and items from all its members.
It also can give ration to members who don't have enough food or water.
RoadReduces the move token cost of the tile.
TavernRecruit new apprentices waiting at the tavern.
WorkshopAssign apprentices to the workshop to obtain materials during the turn.
AtticAssign apprentices to the attic to obtain during the turn.
Water TankAssign apprentices to the water tank to obtain during the turn.
WellIncreases the yield of harvesting.
StoreBuy various items.
MarketplaceBuy items and resources from other players and sell yours.
TempleThe temple is a sacred building that increases the amount of collected faith.
MonumentThe monument is an impassable tile that blocks movement. If it is adjacent to a temple, it increases the yield of faith harvesting.
WallImpassable structure, nobody can walk on the tile where it lives.
FarmThe farm increases the yield of harvesting if accompanied by fields. Fields can only be planted around a farm.
FieldIncreases the yield of food harvesting on the farm next to it.
GateRestricts the access to territory of the clan to the clan members.
Teleport portalMoves your character on another tile of the map, or on another map.
Collect spotProvides natural items corresponding to the collect spot.
Craft placeProvides the tools for you to craft your job items.
InfirmaryOnce per turn, come and enjoy the services of your infirmary to regain +30 HP!