# Personal home

Personal home is a structure which allows its owner to store resources and items. A personal home is also needed to recruit apprentices on the tavern.

Structure details

Buildable : ✔
Only on clan territory : ✔
Through the construction site : ✔
Max life: 500
Needed resources to build: 500{icon} icon Inventory capacity: 20 items

Available actions

Quit the home

Set the house state as abandoned, only available for the actual owner of the home.

Assign owner

Assign or change the actual owner of the personal home.
Needed permission: Change personal home owner

Store resource

Store resources into the deposit box.
This action is conditionally restricted:
  • If an owner is defined, only the owner can execute it
  • If considered as abandoned, a clan member with the permission Take abandoned personal home resource can execute it.

Take resource

Take resources back from the deposit box. This action is conditionally restricted:
  • If an owner is defined, only the owner can execute it
  • If considered as abandoned, a clan member with the permission Take abandoned personal home resource can execute it.

Store item

Store items into the deposit box.
This action is conditionally restricted:
  • If an owner is defined, only the owner can execute it
  • If considered as abandoned, a clan member with the permission Take abandoned personal home item can execute it.

Take item

Take items back from the deposit box. This action is conditionally restricted:
  • If an owner is defined, only the owner can execute it
  • If considered as abandoned, a clan member with the permission Take abandoned personal home item can execute it.

Resign apprentice

Resign an unassigned apprentice (coming soon).

Abandoned state consideration

A personal home is considered as abandoned if no owner is defined.
This is the default state after the personal home construction, or when the owner leaved the house or has been expelled from it.