# The three survival system states

Like a real person, your character needs to eat and drink every day, consuming food and water.
This is done by executing the Eat & drink action.
Executing or not executing this action will vary the states of your character:
  • If you executed the action during the 24 past hours, you receive the Satiated state
  • If you did not, you receive the Should eat state
  • If you didn't restore your character four 48 hours, you receive the Hungry state
An extra state Fully belly can be optionally applied to have a chance to execute free actions.

Satiated state

This state lives for 24 hours. After this period, the state will be transformed into the Should eat state.

Should eat state

This state is your warning period, meaning your character need to eat to retrieve the Satiated state.
If you don't execute the "Restore myself" action during the 24 hours this state is active, you will receive the hungry state
If you don't execute this action for a 24-hours period, your character will receive the Hungry state.

Hungry state

When your character receives the hungry state, your character loses 50 life points.
This life loss will be repeated every 24 hours until your character life gets becomes ailing.
To retrieve the Satiated state, execute the Eat & drink action.

# The eat & drink action

Since this action can only be done when you haven't the Satiated state,
this action can be executed only once a day.
In addition to changing your character survival state, this action gives a token bonuses.
Executing this action will give you up to:
  • 3 action token +3{icon} icon
  • 10 movement token +10{icon} icon
  • 15 health points +15{icon} icon
  • 10 energy points +10{icon} icon

# The overeat action

The overeat action can only be executed while you are satiated, this action gives an extra state Fully belly for 16 hours.
While this state is active, there is a chance that the action token cost of the action you execute is reduced by one, meaning some action may be free.
⚠ But warning, on each action you execute while you're in the Fully belly state, you also have a chance to vomit and become ill.
The ill state prevents you from eating and abort the Fully belly state.