
Friday 23 August 2024

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Wednesday 21 August 2024

hammer iconMylen Main Map T1
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Saturday 3 August 2024

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Yu Saki

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Wednesday 24 July 2024

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Wednesday 17 July 2024

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Thursday 4 July 2024

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Friday 28 June 2024

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Thursday 27 June 2024

hammer iconA Manual of Mylen
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From 1 to 10 of 10
A Manual of Mylen
  • #48 - il y a 9 mois
  • Race: Elf
  • Appearance: Feminine
  • Deity: Solweig


Salutations all. This article aims to outline my experiences and activities within this interesting and wonderful new world we found ourselves in. My goal of this is to hopefully assist any newcomers in how to survive in their new life. From my integration into my new life, to setting up a base of operations, to having a steady source of food, water, and all the other necessities to survive.

  • #49 - il y a 9 mois
  • Race: Elf
  • Appearance: Feminine
  • Deity: Solweig

The Integration

When you awake, there will most likely be dozens of thoughts flitting throughout your mind. I know I had the same. When I came to, I found myself in an unfamiliar world, with even more unfamiliar denizens. These were two people, Aramil and Madeline Belle, who found themselves in a small clearing with myself. Since then, we have been split up, and I am unsure of their situation. They could be alive, they could be dead, I have no way of telling. This should be your goal too. Find yourself other people, friends, foes, companions, it doesn't matter, finding civilisation is necessary for survival. These other people have most likely capitalised on natural formations like lakes or crops to establish themselves, and using this you can quickly create a stable way to stay alive in this world.

  • #50 - il y a 9 mois
  • Race: Elf
  • Appearance: Feminine
  • Deity: Solweig

The Establishment

Once a steady source of necessities has been procured, next comes the period I call the establishment period. Create a name for yourself, slay some beasts, start or join a group. This way, you prepare for the long game, by having anything to defend yourself against those that wish you harm, wether it be of the humanoid or beastly sort. I myself have a small area I dub 'The Refuge', so if you find yourself in the same area as oneself, we are always looking for new recruits. In The Refuge we have ready access to food and water, as well as materials and a place to pray to your respective deity. We lost several brave people looking for this place, so the population is a bit scarce. The coordinates are 14,12, and I look forward to seeing anyone who can make it. Those who can't, Yu Saki has set up a paradise of her own, and I'm sure she feels the same as I about newcomers

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