- #30 - il y a 9 mois
Race: Dwarf
Appearance: Feminine
Deity: Solweig

Yu’s Log
Day 1
Having just arrived in Mylen and begun seeing what the place has to offer, there is a lot more sand and dust than I expected. As some advice for new arrivals, do not come wearing a floor length dress, the hem of it sweeping across the sand get’s extremely dirty and leaves obvious tracks that wolves like to follow. I look good, but I don’t think the wolves followed me to appreciate my good fashion sense.
I am yet to find a great deal of anything, but I was lucky enough to find a natural well at the coordinates 18;10. If you’re struggling in the sun with dehydration I recommend heading there for some water. Nearby at 16;10 there is a stone from which you can feel the divine light of Solweig emanating. I plan on praying there tomorrow. Also in the area at 16;12 is a cactus and at 18;12 a bush that seem to endlessly produce, although slowly. I am glad to see that the light of Solweig has touched Mylen as well. In the desert sand these are truly amazing gifts.
If you see this letter soon after it is written you may see me nearby, if you do, do say hello, I’m afraid I am a little starved of company as well as food.

- #31 - il y a 9 mois
Race: Dwarf
Appearance: Feminine
Deity: Solweig

Yu’s Log
Day 2
Today I did very little in the way of exploring. Having found an oasis I used this day for collecting food and water, to stock up on some supplies before venturing out again. I met a human chap named Hawl who had seen my previous Log and came to check out the Sacred area. He seems nice enough although we haven’t spoken much.
I was also able to use some of the water to wash out the dirt from my dress. I do aim to keep hygiene up even when exploring, but I do have a feeling that by tomorrow night, my efforts may be have been in vain.
I did not realise how exhausting travelling like this would be. I hope that soon enough I might be able to find or build some proper shelter, there are only so many nights I can sleep in a tent before I may go a little mad. Let’s hope that my endurance does not fail me.
Tomorrow I intend to go out searching, perhaps I will find some interesting things for that day’s Log. I hope Solweig will shine brightly on us.

- #32 - il y a 9 mois
Race: Dwarf
Appearance: Feminine
Deity: Solweig

Yu’s Log
Day 3
Today, with some advice from Hawl I headed North West to search for the cave he mentioned. And I was lucky enough to find it at 2;2. Although it is too dark to see in it right now to explore. Hopefully we can get a fire running and try to get inside with some torches to light the way.
Nearby at 4;6 I came across a lone building, going inside I found rows of beds side by side and divider curtains between them, in draws mostly empty I found syringes and bloody bandages scattered about. The whole place was inundated with cobwebs, but there was barely a speck of dust. But the whole place shimmered with a light, a light seemingly coming from nowhere. I have been lucky enough not to fall Ill often in my life, but I know often hospitals are filled with the Light of Solweig for its divine healing powers. From what I can see, this place was a hospital in time gone by. The physicians there likely left long ago, but perhaps the Light that remained would be sufficient to be a good place of rest. If I am ever in need, I may return here.
Just outside I met a woman in black named Svetlana. She seems cool, she said she’s an author, I need to find out what kind of books she wrote. I didn’t bring a book for entertainment, hopefully she can help fill that void. She also said she’s an ex-cultist, which sounds both cool and scary, I didn’t press her on the subject. She also has black horns growing out of her head, she seems mostly human aside from that, I thought it might be a touchy subject so tried my best not to stare. Perhaps when I know her better I can ask her more about it. She certainly fits the mysterious heroine role, quite like Deinyne Canestra from The Shape of Shadow. Oh that is a brilliant book! I wish I had brought it.

- #33 - il y a 9 mois
Race: Dwarf
Appearance: Feminine
Deity: Solweig

Yu’s Log
Day 4
Today I set out searching for anything else in the vicinity that may be of use. As I mentioned in the first log, the dresses I wear leave obvious tracks, and what I presumed was a wolf had found me. It is curious what your mind notices in dire situations, and rather than wondering how I would escape the wolf, I first noticed that it’s tail was rather bushy and in general seemed rather more lithe than a wolf. In fact I believe it to be e gray fox, easy enough to mistake for a wolf. It tried to attack me. But whilst I may not have brought any armour, it seems that my skirt was thick enough that the fox’s bites did little more than rip the fabric. I had to kill the creature with my dagger.
After this I stopped for a moment to sew up the rips caused in that fight. But then I saw a man walking towards me, following the same tracks as the fox. He looked rather gaunt, I don’t think he had eaten or drunk in a long while, he had gashes of blood along him, perhaps he had found the rest of the fox pack and the one I had just killed was merely a straggler. I tried to greet him, to see if I could offer any help. He didn’t reply. He just walked up close to me and when close enough tried to slash at me with a sword. I was lucky he had so little energy, the attempt on my life was sluggish and, whilst in a bit of a panic, I stabbed him in the chest with my dagger.
I have never killed someone before. I do not wish to again. I do not want to see the look on that mans face on anyone else. I do not want to see Solweig’s light leave their eyes.
Based on his belongings, his name appeared to be Yorick. He didn’t have anything on him really. I think he attacked out of pure desperation, out of hunger. I wish he just would’ve asked. I knew I would face adversity here. But I didn’t think I’d have to kill anyone.
I washed the blood off from water from the Sacred Basin. Hopefully the water gifted by Solweig can wash more than just blood away.
Svetlana also found someone able to teach us how to make oil for a proper torch for exploring the cave. She seems kind. I think I misjudged her based on appearances.
Forgive me.

- #40 - il y a 9 mois
Race: Dwarf
Appearance: Feminine
Deity: Solweig

Yu’s Log
Day 5
Yesterday Svetlana mentioned that she heard from the potion seller that new shops would be set up in the area. Today I found a little shop at 26;11 selling food, healing potions and poison. The latter option of these has led me to be wary of the salesman. And I intend to be cautious of the new people I meet now. I saw a dwarf man at the shop, I don’t know if he bought anything, and I didn’t stick around to say hi in case he had brought some poison.
Nearby at 27;13 there was a market stall set up to buy and sell wares, but with so few people here at the moment there was nothing to buy and I have little to sell.
Svetlana and I talked. We both found that we were spending a lot of time splitting our day across the various things we needed to do. We thought it best to perhaps have each of us focus on something specific that we were best at, then we could help one another. I am not particularly good at manual jobs, but I hoped my dexterous hands would be able to assist in gathering food and water. Svetlana seems quite strong, something she seems to have gained from her time in a cult, still not sure on the specifics of that. But since we need some materials from animals, it seems best that she focus on hunting and that I’ll focus on feeding us. A nice quid pro quo.

- #43 - il y a 9 mois
Race: Dwarf
Appearance: Feminine
Deity: Solweig

Yu’s Log
Day 6
Today I spent the early morning collecting food. Perhaps I’ll be able to help revive those starving out here instead of… refer to day 4.
I then went out searching for squirrels. Their acorns and nuts are tradable it seems. Two attacked me whilst I was searching in the areas they buried their nuts. They both seemed sick, perhaps not suited to the desert. I put them out of their misery.
I met up with Svetlana again who had seemed to have found a squirrel with much more vigour in it. We sat and ate around the campfire. Meals are meant to be shared. So whilst I have eaten in Mylen, that was my first meal here.

- #44 - il y a 9 mois
Race: Dwarf
Appearance: Feminine
Deity: Solweig

Yu’s Log
Day 7
I killed a rabid rabbit today. Curiously enough it had some gold coins on it. How it managed to get them I doubt I’ll ever know. Aside from that I did some general tasks to try and be a bit more comfortable.

- #46 - il y a 9 mois
Race: Dwarf
Appearance: Feminine
Deity: Solweig

Yu’s Log
Day 8
Today I went hunting squirrels for acorns. They’re awfully quick and really rather small blighters difficult to deal with. So I didn’t make a great deal of headway. I’m going to bed down for the night at an Oasis I found. The moonlight reflecting off of the dark water is truly beautiful.

- #47 - il y a 9 mois
Race: Dwarf
Appearance: Feminine
Deity: Solweig

Yu’s Log
Day 9
I met with Svetlana just outside the potion shop and was able to provide her with some food and water so she can continue hunting squirrels. She seemed surprised at my ability to make some, albeit shoddy, bread. The Sacred Bush seems to provide all manner of plant life on it. When I wanted some bread, there I found ears of wheat ready to be used for bread.
I also accidentally bought some fur at the market. I accidentally bartered myself into a corner and it would’ve felt rude to not buy it. It was a bit pricey given the coins I have right now, but well, what’s done is done.

- #56 - il y a 8 mois
Race: Dwarf
Appearance: Feminine
Deity: Solweig

Yu’s Log
Day 10
Speaking with Svetlana today, I think it may be possible soon if we put our resources together to be able to produce a torch. Then one of us could lead the way into the cave for the other to follow. Perhaps tomorrows Log may be a bit more interesting. If we are to go into the cave soon I should be collecting food for us.
I must check tomorrow to see if Hawl will join our expedition.
Maz said we should be able to get into the cave with 1 torch being held by the group leader and they enter the cave. That way we don’t have to grind for all three of us to get torches. If you are reading this at a later date, I recommend you look for companions around to team up with before venturing into the cave on the opening map.

- #59 - il y a 8 mois
Race: Dwarf
Appearance: Feminine
Deity: Solweig

Yu’s Log
Day 11
Today Svetlana, Hawl and I met up exchanging resources so that we could make a torch together to lead us into the cave. We then followed Svetlana in, now able to see thanks to the torchlight. Like a quirk of fate, as I stepped in, rocks fell behind us and closed off the entrance for us. The only way is forwards. We may have to ration our food for a little while.
Inside there was a peculiar rock that produced a rather pungent smell. I did not approach. We don’t have the water to spare on washing clothes right now.
Out of the darkness we saw a tiny horrifying creature with bony scales and spikes all over it, grinning in the darkness. I drew my dagger after seeing it. I’m ashamed to say I am rather squeamish and when the creature attacked, I reflexively stepped back, I tripped on the hem of my dress and almost stabbed Svetlana when I tried to catch myself. I thankfully missed her with my dagger whilst Hawl started dealing with the creature. Whilst he had its focus, after I steadied myself, I was able to sweep round to the side and stab it in the back. I can’t help but be fearful that we will find many more of these creatures down here.

- #62 - il y a 8 mois
Race: Dwarf
Appearance: Feminine
Deity: Solweig

Yu’s Log
Day 12
Today in the cave, we found several more of those bony creatures which seem to be called Kobolds. Hawl and Svetlana dealt with them. Surveying the food I brought in, and not knowing how long we’ll be in here, I have focused my energy on searching for food. Thankfully there are many mushrooms about that I’m 90% sure aren’t poisonous. Svetlana has some experience with mushrooms and she seems to think they’re fine, so they should be able to help tide us over.
After dealing with the Kobolds, we found some staircases, one heading up and one heading down. I don’t think this is an ordinary cave. Hawl ran down the stairs but found just an empty corridor so we then headed upstairs. There we saw another Kobold, but it seemed much larger than the previous ones, perhaps it was older. Thankfully Svetlana dealt with it. we continue to venture forwards little by little.

- #65 - il y a 8 mois
Race: Dwarf
Appearance: Feminine
Deity: Solweig

Yu’s Log
Day 13
We found another staircase leading up. I can’t help but wonder who made it. I had thought that Mylen was empty before we cam here, but someone must have built this place before it was covered in dirt. Perhaps we’ll find some clues later down the line.
The stairs led up to a long corridor filled with Kobolds we spent the day fighting through. At the end of the corridor was stairs leading down to a large room. I expect we will find some more creatures in here tomorrow, we must be on guard as we camp for the night.

- #68 - il y a 8 mois
Race: Dwarf
Appearance: Feminine
Deity: Solweig

Yu’s Log
Day 14
The room we went in today seems much larger than the others. I gave Svetlana and Hawl a few days worth of rations and went searching for any water or food sources. There are many Kobolds here, much more than before. I had quite a task skirting around them as I scouted out the area, but I was able to keep my distance.
I managed to find a puddle from which I could feel some magical essence at 8;9. I gathered some water from it and a few of the little plants from around the edge. But I expect it is a better source of water than food. In fact, I had more luck with food whilst away from the water. Perhaps it’s magic was sapping energy from the surrounding area making it harder for things to grow. But if there is a magical source of water in here, I have faith I may find a magical source of food. I will continue searching tomorrow.
The Magical Puddle of water functions as an oasis if you need to heal.

- #71 - il y a 8 mois
Race: Dwarf
Appearance: Feminine
Deity: Solweig

Yu’s Log
Day 15
Today I walked around the perimeter of this room. I only found more Kobolds. I am still focusing on finding food to keep us in here alive a lot longer. We may be eating mushroom soup for a little while.
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