
Friday 23 August 2024

hammer iconMylen Main Map T2
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Wednesday 21 August 2024

hammer iconMylen Main Map T1
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Yu Saki

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From 1 to 10 of 10
Mylen Main Map T2
  • #139 - il y a 27 jours
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance: Feminine
  • Deity: Yourick

This thread is for RP and general discussion in the main map, in the thread’s title T2 means Thread 2. Since some elves from the elves/vampire starting zone group have just arrived in the main map I believed it would be fitting to start the second thread.

Good morning Yu, there are some elves that have just recently arrived here at the No war zone from the forest to the south-east, shall we go and greet them together? They seem to likely be non-hostile or perhaps even friendly, they had a chance to ambush me and did not claim it, or perhaps they were avoiding me due to my horns…

Regardless, We should ask who they are and discover their intentions and goals, we could perhaps invite them to join up with us on our current task of constructing a home upon the ruins. And if they decline joining us we could at least trade information of the plains for their information of the forest, we should be able to keep at least an amicable relationship with them.

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