Solweig Appearing in the year 202 after the creation of the universe, Solweig as goddess of sun and energy brings organic matter to worlds. Her powers revolve largely around regeneration.
Benevolent by nature, she is loyal and altruistic. Her most memorable event was her attempt to save Neeko from the brink of death. But this act ends in failure. A failure that leads to the fusion of all the planets formed by Neeko into a single entity in which Neeko's spirit is locked.
The years that followed this tragedy were painful for the inconsolable goddess. Although none of the other gods reproach her for her actions, she withdraws into the background. He manages to help the goddess regain confidence in her powers. But she doesn't realize that he secretly loves her. She feels no attraction for him. Yourick realizes this, her heartbreaking into a million pieces.
Thereafter, she systematically intervenes to heal the wounds of Taps and Valdania during their countless conflicts. It's a way for her to redeem her self-esteem among her peers. She pushes her rescues to extremes, so much so that she drains herself of her own energy, almost disappearing in her turn. Chemnosh himself puts an end to these conflicts, forbidding physical confrontations between the gods. Solweig is finally able to rest and recover her vitality.
She is particularly fond of elves, because she can see herself in their peaceful way of life. She completely ignores vampires, who hate the light she brings to worlds. What's more, she dislikes their impulsive nature, which can lead to particularly aggressive behavior, in contradiction with her ideals.